
Can HomeSmart Assistant help caregivers?

While the HomeSmart Assistant program has been known to allow for an increase in freedom for our patients, one of the secondary benefits that we are seeing is an increased level of efficiency on the part of the caregiver. HomeSmart Assistant is helping to reduce the “Around the Home” task burden and freeing up the … Continue reading "Can HomeSmart Assistant help caregivers?"

Home Automation Devices – Fact or Fiction for the Physically Challenged Community

Amazon Alexa versus Google Home…… and later this year, a device from Apple. So which is better? Do we really care? This question must be answered in the context of the user. In our case, the physically challenged population who want to continue to reside in the community and be as independent as possible. Look, … Continue reading "Home Automation Devices – Fact or Fiction for the Physically Challenged Community"